Thursday, March 31, 2022

Dalhousie University: 12-month term instructor

The Department of Chemistry at Dalhousie University invites applications for a 12-month, 100% FTE limited term instructor beginning July 1, 2022.

Duties: The primary responsibilities of this position are coordination and delivery of 2nd- and 3rd- year inorganic labs, including all aspects of scheduling, TA training, lab supervision, grading and evaluation, running of the labs, class administration and organization. Additional responsibilities include providing lecture and/or lab support for 2nd-year organic chemistry classes, as well as providing support for the summer session of 1st-year chemistry. Other responsibilities include advising of students, academic administration, and outreach and community service. This position reports to the Dean of Science though the Chair of the Department of Chemistry.

This position requires a PhD degree in Chemistry. Significant experience in teaching inorganic or organic chemistry, in an undergraduate lab setting, at the university level is required. Evidence of professional development in teaching methods, such as completing a formal education course, attending teaching conferences, participation in teaching workshops, is an important asset, as is a solid familiarity with the inorganic and/or organic chemistry program at Dalhousie. The DFA Collective Agreement, 2020-22, defines total compensation for the position, including salary and benefits.

The application package should be submitted via PeopleAdmin ( and should consist of a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a teaching dossier, and names/contact information of two referees. Consideration of candidates will begin April 29th and will continue until the position is filled.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons with a disability, racialized persons, including persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), women, persons of a minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit

Dalhousie also recognizes the need to accommodate candidates to ensure their full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed online at: For further information regarding this position, or to request accommodation at any stage of the hiring process, please email

Dalhousie has a vaccine mandate that is currently in place until April 30, 2022. Should the vaccine mandate be re-implemented at a later date, the successful candidate will be required to provide proof of full vaccination through Campus Check, or may seek an accommodation from Dalhousie’s vaccine requirements on grounds protected under provincial human rights legislation. Please visit the Campus Check Website for more information. 

Universite de Montreal: Professeure agrégée ou professeur agrégé ou titulaire

Montréalaise par ses racines, internationale par vocation, l'Universite de Montreal compte parmi les 100 meilleurs employeurs du Canada. A l'image de la ville dont elle porte le nom, elle est effervescente et multiculturelle. 

L'UdeM récolte annuellement plus d'un demi-milliard de dollars en fonds de recherche, ce qui la positionne parmi les trois premiers poles de recherche universitaire canadiens. Elle se classe egalement dans les 100 meilleures universites du monde et figure dans le groupe des cinq meilleures universites de langue française. 

A travers les realisations des membres de sa communaute, l'UdeM participe a la construction du monde d'aujourd'hui. Et en formant des etudiants venus de partout, elle prepare celui de demain.

Description du poste
Le Département de chimie sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeure ou de professeur à temps plein au rang d’agrégé ou de titulaire dans le domaine des matériaux de demain.

Ce poste est arrimé au concours des Chaires d’excellence en recherche du Canada (CERC) 2022 et ne pourra être octroyé qu’à une candidate ou un candidat qui obtiendra une chaire à ce concours. L’enveloppe annuelle du Programme pour l’institution est de 5 M$. La durée de la Chaire est de 8 ans avec une subvention annuelle de 500 000 $ ou une subvention annuelle de 1 M$ qui sera établie selon les besoins démontrés de la programmation de recherche. La personne retenue sera appelée à collaborer à la préparation de la demande, jusqu’à son dépôt en septembre 2022.

La personne retenue sera titulaire de la CERC. À ce titre, elle devra assurer son succès en menant et en encourageant des recherches qu’elle fera connaître, tant au plan local qu’international. Elle devra favoriser le travail en collaboration, notamment avec des chercheurs et chercheuses de l’Université, mais aussi avec les talents de son domaine, qu’ils proviennent du Canada ou de l’extérieur. La personne titulaire de la CERC sera enfin appelée à enseigner aux trois cycles, à encadrer des étudiants et étudiantes aux études supérieures et à contribuer aux activités de l’institution.


  • Être éligible à l’obtention d’une CERC, ce qui inclut notamment :
    • Un doctorat complété;
    • Un minimum de 7 années d’expérience à titre de professeur dans une université;
    • Occuper un poste de professeur à l’extérieur du Canada au moment de l’affichage;
    • Un dossier de recherche qui inclut des publications importantes dans l’un des secteurs d’excellence de l’Université de Montréal;
  • Avoir des aptitudes pour offrir un enseignement universitaire de grande qualité;
  • Avoir une connaissance suffisante de la langue française ou être déterminé à l’apprendre une fois en poste par l’entremise du programme de soutien à l’apprentissage de la langue française offert par l’UdeM, en vertu de la Politique linguistique de l’Université de Montréal.

Comment soumettre votre candidature
Le dossier de candidature transmis à la direction du Département doit être constitué des documents suivants :

  • Une lettre de motivation; pour nous conformer aux exigences du gouvernement du Canada, nous vous prions d’inclure dans votre lettre de présentation l’une ou l’autre des mentions suivantes : «je suis citoyen-ne/résident-e permanent-e du Canada» ou «je ne suis pas citoyen-ne/résident-e permanent-e du Canada»;
  • Un énoncé de recherche en vue de l’obtention d’une CERC (environ une page); Un curriculum vitæ;
  • Un exemplaire des publications ou des travaux de recherche récents;
  • Le dossier doit également comporter trois lettres de recommandation. Celles-ci doivent être transmises directement par leur auteur ou autrice à la direction du Département.

Le dossier de candidature et les lettres de recommandation doivent être transmis avant le 30 avril 2022 par courriel à :

Andreea R. Schmitzer, Directrice
Département de chimie, Faculté des arts et des sciences
Courriel: et
Site Web:

Plus d’information sur le poste

No d’affichage - FAS 03-22 / 31
Période d’affichage - Du 30 mars au 30 avril 2022 inclusivement
Traitement - L’Université de Montréal offre un salaire concurrentiel jumelé à une gamme complète d’avantages sociaux
Date d’entrée en fonction - Au plus tard 12 mois après l’octroi de la chaire

L’Université de Montréal inscrit les valeurs de diversité, d’équité et d’inclusion au cœur de chacune de ses missions et elle a mis en place un programme d’accès à l’égalité en emploi (PAÉE). Elle invite les femmes, les Autochtones, les minorités visibles, les minorités ethniques, les personnes ayant des limitations ainsi que celles de toute orientation et identité sexuelle à présenter leur candidature. À quelque étape du recrutement, nos outils de sélection peuvent être adaptés selon les besoins des personnes vivant avec des limitations qui en font la demande : celles-ci sont invitées à communiquer en toute confidentialité avec Jean-Pierre Blondin, vice-recteur adjoint aux affaires professorales, par courriel ou par téléphone au 514- 343-6404.

Afin de mesurer la portée de ses actions en matière d’EDI, l’UdeM recueille des données sur les postulantes et postulants selon leur identification à l’un des groupes visés par la Loi sur l’accès à l’égalité en emploi (femmes, Autochtones, minorités visibles, minorités ethniques, personnes ayant des limitations). À cette fin, nous vous remercions de répondre à ce questionnaire d’auto-identification. L’information fournie est confidentielle et sera partagée uniquement avec les responsables du PAÉE. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez aussi indiquer votre appartenance à un groupe visé dans votre lettre de présentation dont prendra connaissance le comité de sélection et l’assemblée des pairs lors de l’évaluation de votre dossier.

L’UdeM reconnaît l’incidence légitime de congés (comme les congés parentaux, de maladie, pour proches aidants ou ceux occasionnés par la COVID-19) qui auraient pu causer des interruptions ou des ralentissements de carrière. Nous encourageons les personnes candidates à nous informer de toute circonstance qui aurait eu un effet sur leur dossier de réalisations : cette information sera dûment prise en considération lors de l’évaluation.

Selon les procédures de nomination en vigueur à l’UdeM, les membres de l’Assemblée des professeures et professeurs peuvent consulter tous les dossiers de candidature. Si vous souhaitez que votre candidature demeure confidentielle jusqu’à l’établissement de la liste restreinte de recrutement, veuillez le mentionner. Conformément aux exigences sur l’immigration en vigueur au Canada, notez que la priorité sera accordée aux citoyennes et citoyens canadiens et aux résidentes et résidents permanents.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Université de Moncton: Chimie Inorganique, Chimie Organo-métallique, Chimie Verte, Chimie Environnementale, ou Chimie Médicinale

Le Campus de Moncton sollicite des candidatures au poste suivant : 



Fonction et information générale

Il s’agit d’un poste régulier pouvant mener à la permanence, à pourvoir au rang d'adjoint à compter du 1er juillet 2022. Ce poste est rattaché au Département de chimie et biochimie de la Faculté des sciences. La Faculté des sciences offre des programmes d’études, notamment en chimie, aux trois cycles universitaires à plus de 500 étudiantes et étudiants.

Dans le cadre des fonctions universitaires d’enseignement, de recherche et de services à la collectivité, la personne qui occupera ce poste sera appelée à enseigner aux trois cycles universitaires principalement dans le domaine de la chimie inorganique. La personne retenue sera aussi appelée à monter un programme de recherche subventionné dans les domaines de la chimie inorganique, la chimie organo-métallique, la chimie verte, la chimie environnementale ou la chimie médicinale. Elle assurera l’encadrement des étudiantes et étudiants aux trois cycles universitaires et participera aux activités et services à la collectivité du Département de chimie et biochimie et de la Faculté des sciences.

L’Université de Moncton, fondée en 1963, est un établissement d’enseignement supérieur de langue française en milieu acadien. Avec ses trois campus situés à Edmundston, à Moncton et à Shippagan, elle offre des programmes d’études universitaires de baccalauréat, de maîtrise et de doctorat dans plusieurs disciplines. Plus de 5 000 étudiantes et étudiants provenant de partout au Canada et de l’étranger la fréquentent. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur l’Université et ses programmes d’études, vous êtes invité à consulter le site Internet

L’Université de Moncton souscrit à l’équité en matière d’emploi et encourage les candidatures de toute personne qualifiée, femme ou homme ou non-genrée, y compris les Autochtones, les personnes handicapées et les membres des minorités visibles. Conformément aux exigences relatives à l’immigration au Canada, la personne retenue doit, dès son embauche, avoir le droit de travailler au Canada.
ParticularitésLes candidates et les candidats possèdent le doctorat (Ph. D.) et une expérience postdoctorale dans un domaine énoncé ci-haut. Une orientation du programme de recherche en chimie environnementale ou médicinale est un atout.

La priorité sera accordée aux candidates et aux candidats démontrant un bon dossier de recherche et la capacité de développer un programme de recherche subventionné dans leur domaine d’expertise. L’expérience en enseignement au niveau universitaire est un atout. Enfin, la maîtrise de la langue française, tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit, est essentielle dès l’embauche.

Les personnes intéressées à postuler sont priées de faire parvenir un dossier complet via le site web en indiquant le numéro de référence. Le dossier comprend : une lettre d'intention spécifiant leurs champs d'intérêt en enseignement et en recherche, un curriculum vitae détaillé, une copie des diplômes obtenus, une description des activités de recherche anticipées (maximum 5 pages) et tout document pertinent permettant d'évaluer les compétences en enseignement et le potentiel en recherche.

Aux fins de référence, veuillez inclure dans votre lettre d’intention le nom et les coordonnées de 3 personnes références.

Veuillez noter que seuls les dossiers acheminés par le site web seront considérés et qu’un dossier incomplet à la fermeture du concours ne sera pas considéré.

Avant de confirmer un engagement d’emploi, l’Université de Moncton exige que la personne choisie confirme au moyen d’un document officiel accepté par la Santé publique qu’elle a reçu une série complète de vaccins contre la COVID-19 approuvés au Canada ou présente des documents à l’appui d’une exemption pour raison médicale valide.SalaireLe traitement annuel est établi selon la formation et l’expérience. Les critères servant à établir le rang professoral et l’étape de carrière sont régis par la convention collective.Fermeture du concoursLe 8 mai 2022Entrée en fonctionLe 1er juillet 2022Personne ressourcePandurang Ashrit, doyen - Faculté des sciencesNo. de téléphone(506) 858-4301Courrielsciences@umoncton.caNuméro de référenceUMAP22-08

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM): Analytical Chemistry

The department of chemistry at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) is seeking applications for a Tenure-Track Professor position in Analytical Chemistry. Applications from all fields of analytical chemistry will be considered.

The department of chemistry has currently over twenty faculty members with active research groups working in important niches of chemistry and biochemistry. UQAM offers programs at all three university levels of study in chemistry and biochemistry, with state-of-the-art facilities with two multi-disciplinary research centers, NanoQAM ( and CERMO-FC ( For more information on our department, please visit:

Qualifications and responsibilities:

  • PhD in Analytical or Bioanalytical Chemistry, or a related discipline
  • Post-doctoral training and a recognized expertise in analytical or bioanalytical chemistry
  • Strong record of research and publication productivity
  • Ability to teach analytical chemistry courses at undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Capacity to establish and maintain an innovative externally funded research program
  • M.Sc. and Ph.D. student supervision and mentorship
  • Active participation in Departmental and University committees,
  • Proficiency in written and spoken French. Non-French speaking individuals must demonstrate their willingness and capacity to learn French (supported by the University).

Proposed start date: January 2023

The Université du Québec à Montréal subscribes to an employment equity program. As such, it invites women, aboriginals, members of visible minorities, ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities who meet the requirements of the position to be nominated. We encourage those who identify with one or another of these groups to complete the Identification Questionnaire at this address and attach it to their application file: We encourage all qualified candidates to apply; priority will be given to Canadians and permanent residents of Canada.

Interested candidates must submit their application package assembled in a single PDF file consisting of (i) a cover letter, (ii) a detailed curriculum vitae, (iii) a 5-page research proposal, (iv) a start-up budget, and (v) a statement on teaching philosophy and interests. The complete file and three letters of recommendation (sent directly by the referrees) must be received in electronic form BEFORE JULY 1st, 2022, 5 pm. Application will be reviewed as received.

The description of this position (in french) can also be found at this link.

Inquiries and applications should be sent to:

Prof. Lekha Sleno
Chair of the Selection Committee
Department of Chemistry, Université du Québec à Montréal
PO Box 8888, Downtown Station
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3P8

Friday, March 18, 2022

Mount Allison University: Margaret and Wallace McCain Postdoctoral Fellowship (primarily teaching)

The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick invites applications for a Margaret and Wallace McCain Postdoctoral Fellowship (primarily teaching) for the period of July 2022 to June 2023. Established on the initiative of the McCain family, the Fellowship is intended to enhance teaching at the University while adding new elements of research/creative activity. Applicants must hold a PhD and be able to contribute to upper level biochemistry/chemistry courses, as well as to intellectual life on campus including the supervision of Honours student research. The successful candidate is expected to teach three upper level, 3 credit courses in the 2022-2023 academic year including Nucleic Acids (BIOC 3041), Signal Transduction (BIOC 4031) and a third course in the applicant’s area of expertise or Current Advances in Chemistry & Biochemistry (CHEM/BIOC 4903). While the fellow may act as an independent researcher, the area of research should align with the strengths of the department ( The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has excellent molecular biology laboratories, a Digital Microscopy Facility, modern analytical instrumentation, cell culture and a biosafety level 2 facility.

The appointment will commence July 1, 2022 and is a one year sabbatical replacement, subject to budgetary approval. The Fellowship offers a competitive salary with relocation assistance and a complete benefits package. The complete application should include a cover letter, CV, contact details for three references, and a one-page document outlining teaching philosophy and research interests. Applications are being managed through Academic Jobs Online and should be submitted to that site, not by email.

Questions should be directed to:

Dr. Vicki Meli, Chair of the Search Committee
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Mount Allison University
63C York Street, Sackville, NB E4L 1G8
Ph: (506) 364-2363

The review of applications will begin April 15, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled.

Mount Allison acknowledges, honours, and respects that the land named Sackville, NB is part of the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People who are the historic inhabitants, custodians, and dwellers on the land where our University is built and confirms its commitment to strengthening relationships with all Indigenous people.

Mount Allison is committed to diversity and inclusiveness. We encourage applications from members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual and gender identities. We seek candidates with qualifications and knowledge to contribute specifically to the further diversification of our campus community.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents are given priority. Canadians and permanent residents should indicate their citizenship status in their application.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Thompson Rivers University: Tenure track teaching (organic chemistry)

 Position Title: Assistant Teaching Professor

Job Type: Full-Time
Education Required: Ph.D.
Location: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, V2C 0C8

Job Description:
The Department of Physical Sciences at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) invites applications for a bipartite tenure-track faculty position in Organic Chemistry at the rank of Assistant Teaching Professor to commence July 1, 2022. TRU offers B.Sc. degrees with Canadian Society for Chemistry accredited Majors in Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry. TRU also offers an interdisciplinary Major in Chemical Biology. Successful candidates will teach Organic Chemistry lectures and labs at all undergraduate levels, and may teach first-year General Chemistry lectures as well. Candidates should have a strong background in synthetic Organic Chemistry, a commitment to excellence in teaching undergraduate chemistry, as well as experience in undergraduate curriculum development.


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry (or near completion).

Established teaching experience at the post-secondary level is an asset.

Thompson Rivers University is strongly committed to hiring based on merit with a focus on fostering diversity of thought within our community. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our staff, our faculty and its scholarship including, but not limited to, women, Indigenous, Black and People of Colour, persons with disabilities and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.


Apply URL

Friday, March 11, 2022

University of Calgary: X-Ray Crystallographer

 Position Overview

The Technical Operations Group in the Faculty of Science is currently seeking a Full-time Regular X-Ray Crystallographer .

The X-Ray Crystallographer reports to the Manager, Technical Services. This role provides expert advice, support and direction to the teaching, research and service missions of the department. The incumbent effectively manages the X-ray crystallographic structure service in consultation with the departmental X-ray Users Committee. This role will assist and collaborate with faculty members on various research problems, and be involved with the development of new methodology. The role requires a high level of technical expertise in the operation and maintenance of the three X-ray diffractometers in the X-ray Facility and applications thereof.

This position requires a very broad and high level of technical and professional expertise in the specialized area of X-ray crystallography (herein "X-ray crystallography" encompasses both single-crystal and powder / reflectometry techniques). The primary purpose of the position is to provide technical assistance to researchers in the preparation of samples for X-ray diffraction analysis; the collection of crystallographic data; the solution and refinement of structures; assistance in the preparation of manuscript material for the publication of research results; training of graduate students in the techniques and procedures of X-ray analysis; and the maintenance and assistance in upgrading of equipment and software (including assisting in the preparation of grant applications) which are needed for a modern crystallographic service. Project management, team-based planning, and development of technical support for the Chemistry Department with a strong understanding of the University environment is required.

The facility is equipped with three X-ray diffractometers: a Nonius Kappa APEXII CCD and Bruker Smart APEXII CCD for single crystal work and a Bruker D8 Advance (ECO) system equipped with three sample stages, including two variable temperature stages; these sample stages allow a broad temperature range of -190oC to 1600oC. The successful candidate will routinely discuss status of instruments and other relevant issues so problems can be promptly addressed as needed. The successful candidate will troubleshoot instrument problems when they arise: hardware, software, etc. and offer regular group and one-on-one X-ray crystallography training to students and researchers within Faculty of Science and beyond. The successful candidate will offer workshops on crystal growing, crystal selection, and other topics of interest to users of the X-ray Facility.

Position Description

Summary of Key Responsibilities (job functions include but are not limited to):

Technical Expertise/Leadership/Training:

  • Leadership within and coordination of the X-ray Crystallography Facility that enable successful management of operations and services.
  • Managing the operation and maintenance of University X-ray diffractometers and determine crystal structures of their compounds.
  • Familiarity with hardware and related accessories of instrumentation in the X-ray Facility to allow the safe assembly/disassembly for specialized experiments.
  • Training of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and research associates in hands on operation of the diffractometers and comprehensive data handling, analysis, and interpretation.

Communication/Relationship Building:

  • Courteous and professional manner in dealing with faculty, staff and students.
  • Positive relationships and productive liaisons are promoted and maintained with other units on campus and externally.
  • Provide assistance and/or supervision of X-ray crystallography users.
  • Accommodate requests for various analyses in consultation with other members of the Department.
  • External enquires are handled in a timely and positive manner.

Qualifications / Requirements:

  • Ph.D. degree in Chemistry or the equivalent.
  • Several years of experience in crystallographic structure determinations.
  • Project and budgetary management experience required.
  • Hands-on experience and current knowledge with any or all of the following:
    • Enraf-Nonius Bruker APEXII CCD four-circle diffractometer or the equivalent
    • Bruker Smart APEXII CCD three-circle diffractometer or the equivalent
    • Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer or the equivalent
    • Variable temperature sample stages; assembly, installation, and operation
    • Cambridge Structural Database Structure refinement methods (for single-crystal and/or powdered samples).
  • Knowledge of publication standards and preparation of documentation associated with reporting crystallographic data.
  • Fully understand the detailed design, documentation and environment of moderately complex technical systems.
  • Demonstrated ability to troubleshoot many different types of technical problems.
  • Strong understanding of the University culture and context regarding teaching and research.
  • Exceptional interpersonal, supervisory and organizational skills.
  • Ability to teach, lead, direct, and manage staff.
  • Ability to interact with faculty, students, co-workers and the general public in a professional manner.
  • Excellent working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications.
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain currency in their field, broadly defined.
  • Full working knowledge of safety regulations.

Application Deadline: April 3, 2022

We would like to thank all applicants in advance for submitting their resumes. Please note, only those candidates chosen to continue on through the selection process will be contacted.

Additional Information

This position is part of the AUPE bargaining unit, and falls under the Technical Job Family, Phase III.

To find out more about management and staff opportunities at the University of Calgary and all we have to offer, view our Management and Staff Careers website. For more information visit Careers in the Faculty of Science.

The University strongly recommends all faculty and staff are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

About the University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is Canada’s leading next-generation university – a living, growing and youthful institution that embraces change and opportunity with a can-do attitude. Located in the nation’s most enterprising city, the university is making tremendous progress on its Eyes High journey to be recognized as one of Canada’s top five research universities, grounded in innovative learning and teaching and fully integrated with the community it both serves and leads. The University of Calgary inspires and supports discovery, creativity and innovation across all disciplines. For more information, visit

The University of Calgary has launched an institution-wide Indigenous Strategy in line with the foundational goals of Eyes High, committing to creating a rich, vibrant, and culturally competent campus that welcomes and supports Indigenous Peoples, encourages Indigenous community partnerships, is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives in all that we do.

The University of Calgary recognizes that a diverse staff/faculty benefits and enriches the work, learning and research experiences of the entire campus and greater community. We are committed to removing barriers that have been historically encountered by some people in our society. We strive to recruit individuals who will further enhance our diversity and will support their professional success while they are here. We encourage all qualified applicants to apply, however preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Trent University: 1-year limited term appointment in the fields of Introductory Chemistry and Instrumental Analytical Chemistry

Trent University invites applications for a 1-year limited term appointment in the fields of Introductory Chemistry and Instrumental Analytical Chemistry with teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level within the Department of Chemistry at the rank of Assistant Professor to start July 01, 2022, subject to budgetary approval. This position will be located at the Trent Peterborough campus. 

Trent University is the top-ranked primarily undergraduate university in Ontario, Canada with a record of excellence in both teaching and research. This is an exciting opportunity for the right candidate to contribute to Trent’s Chemistry department. 

A completed Ph.D. in analytical chemistry or a related field and appropriate teaching experience are required.  The successful candidate will teach a total of five to six in person courses in the 2022-23 academic year (Fall, Winter, Summer). These courses could include, but are not restricted to: Introductory Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, and Chromatography. Prior practical hands-on experience with chromatography and mass spectrometry would be an asset.  Applications should include a curriculum vitae (including confirmation to legally work in Canada), statement of teaching experience and philosophy, a brief statement of research interests and expertise, and the names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of three referees who would be willing to write on the candidate’s behalf.   Previous experience in course development with a focus in instrumental analysis is an asset. Please note that applications will only be accepted in PDF format via email.  Please send applications to, attention Professor Steven Rafferty, Chair, Department of Chemistry. 

The closing date for receipt of applications is April 15, 2022. 

Trent University is actively committed to creating a diverse and inclusive campus community and encourages applications from all qualified candidates. Trent University offers accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes.  Should you require accommodation during the recruitment process or require an accessible version of a document/publication, please contact 

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority

Friday, March 4, 2022

Mount Royal University: Inorganic Chemistry

MRU Main Campus - Calgary, AB T3E 6K6 CA (Primary)

About MRU

Founded in 1910 and located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Mount Royal University grew into a vibrant college in the 1930s and became a mid-sized university in 2009. Mount Royal has carved out a distinct niche by offering smaller class sizes, a robust liberal education and unique undergraduate programs. Currently, more than 14,000 credit students choose from 12 bachelor degrees and 36 majors.

Mount Royal University is located in the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of the Treaty 7 region in southern Alberta, which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut'ina and the Iyarhe Nakoda. We are situated on land where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. The traditional Blackfoot name of this place is "Mohkinstsis," which we now call the city of Calgary. The city of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.

Mount Royal University is committed to removing barriers and fostering the inclusion of voices that have been historically underrepresented or discouraged in our society. In support of our belief that diversity in our faculty and staff enriches the work, learning and research experiences for the entire campus community, we strongly encourage members of the designated groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) to apply and self-identify.

About the Faculty of Science and Technology

The Department of Chemistry and Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology at Mount Royal University invites applications for a tenure track position which will commence July 1, 2022, subject to final budgetary approval, at the Rank of Assistant Professor. 

The Faculty of Science and Technology currently offers bachelor’s degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Geology, and General Science. The Department currently offers a BSc degree program in Chemistry with an optional focus in Analytical Biochemistry.

About the Role

The successful candidate will be a passionate teacher who will make substantial contributions to the teaching of Inorganic Chemistry, as well as its interactions with other chemistry subdisciplines. A Ph.D. in Chemistry or closely related field is required. A strong commitment to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion, particularly how they relate to science, would be an asset.

The department is dedicated to providing teaching and laboratory experiences for undergraduate students through course-based instruction, community service learning, independent research experiences and other means. 

Mount Royal’s General Education program is an important part of all Mount Royal bachelor degrees, offering a broad, liberal education that complements discipline-specific training, and the successful candidate would also have the possibility to teach in this program if desired.

The candidate will have a scholarship plan that is meaningful and appropriate in the context of an undergraduate institution where teaching is the primary focus. This program may be discipline-focused and/or in the area of chemistry education research but should involve undergraduate students in a substantive way. The ability to attract external funding, or clear promise thereof, is also desirable.

New faculty are hired into one of two work patterns. The teaching / scholarship / service pattern (TSS) has a focus on teaching with the requirement that the faculty member also be involved in a scholarship program as well as service to the Mount Royal community. The teaching / service pattern (TS) has a focus on teaching and service only. The successful candidate will be hired into the TSS pattern. There is an option to change work patterns after tenure.

For further information, contact Dr. Christopher Lovallo, Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics at .

What We Offer

Talented and committed employees are the driving force behind student success. We strive to be an employer of choice among Canadian post-secondary institutions. 

At Mount Royal University, we recognize that people are a combination of many intersecting identities; we work to cultivate an environment that welcomes the whole person and harnesses the strength that is available in our diversity, creating a rich and inclusive workplace.

Investing in the learning and development of our employees benefits the individual and the University. A variety of services, resources and programs encourage a healthy, productive workplace. Mount Royal University offers a competitive total compensation package including health and dental benefits, pension, health and personal spending accounts, paid vacation, winter holiday closure, personal days and a free membership in our fully equipped recreation centre. 

Our campus offers the convenience of a full medical clinic, dentist, and pharmacy, as well as a variety of wellness services such as physiotherapists and massage therapists. Campus Recreation offers many activities, including personal training, fitness classes, climbing, aquatics, sports, tournaments and certifications for students, employees, and the public.

Due to changing Covid-19 precautions, this role may possibly require the incumbent to temporarily work from home. Access to a secure personal computer and stable internet connection is required.

All employees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to access campus. This is a condition of employment. 

Closing Date: Open until suitable candidate is found, review of applications will begin after April 1, 2022.

If you require an accommodation to participate in the recruitment process, please notify us and we will work together on the accommodation request.

A complete dossier should be submitted including: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion) statement, teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching excellence, scholarship plan (3 pages maximum) with evidence of intent to pursue a research program involving undergraduates, and contact information for three (3) references. Please title your .pdf document as follows: [Last Name], [Requisition Number], [Document].pdf (ex. Smith, 999999, CV.pdf). Incomplete or mislabeled dossiers may not be considered.

We thank all applicants for their interest. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. After the close date, you can check on the status of your application through your Career Centre. New career opportunities arise frequently and are posted as they become available. Please check back often to view our latest postings on our Career Opportunities page. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Mount Royal University hires on the basis of merit and is strongly committed to fostering diversity as a source of excellence, intellectual and cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome applications from those who would contribute to the further diversification of our staff, faculty and their scholarship including but not limited to Indigenous Peoples, women, persons with disabilities and persons of any sexual or gender identity, ethnic, national or socio-economic background, religion or age.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

University of Guelph: Assistant Professor in Materials Chemistry


Position Title / Rank: Assistant Professor in Materials Chemistry

College: College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Department: Chemistry

Date Posted: March 2, 2022
Deadline: April 1, 2022 or until a suitable candidate is found
Please reference AD #22-17

Position Description:

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Guelph invites applications from individuals with research expertise in any field of Materials Chemistry, for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level.

The anticipated start date of the position is 1 September 2022. The successful applicant will have a Ph.D. and a record of internationally recognized research in the relevant field. They will have a desire to inspire and the pedagogic ability to teach and supervise undergraduate and graduate students. The candidate will be expected to develop an independent research program, with global impact, funded by Canadian and international agencies (i.e. NSERC, CFI, etc.), and which may lead to industrial collaborations. Candidates with interests in the design, synthesis, and/or physiochemical analysis of molecular, supramolecular, polymeric, nanostructured, crystalline, alloyed, amorphous, or other materials are encouraged to apply.

The successful candidate will be expected to devote significant portions of their time to both research and teaching within the Department. They will also be expected to participate in service for the Department, the University, and the profession, nationally and internationally.

Research Requirements: The application must include evidence of a consistent record of high quality, funded research, or strong evidence of the ability to attract funding for such. Evidence for this will include a record of submission and acceptance to high-quality peer-reviewed journals and conferences, in addition to a detailed research proposal which must demonstrate the candidate’s potential to establish an independent research career.

Teaching Requirements: The applicant will need to demonstrate their willingness and ability to lecture, examine, and develop new course materials as needed for established courses at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum. Additionally, they will need to develop and deliver courses at the graduate level. If candidates have previous teaching experience, a record of high-quality teaching based on formal teaching evaluations or awards will be viewed positively.

Service Requirements: All faculty participate in numerous service activities within the Department (Safety, Curriculum, Student advising, etc.), within the University (Senate, College Planning, Academic Policy, etc.), and externally (organizing conferences, journal editorial board, manuscript reviews, etc.). Candidates should be prepared to participate appropriately in these activities.

The Department of Chemistry in the College of Engineering and Physical Science at the University of Guelph is an equal partner with the University of Waterloo in the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry, (GWC)2, which attracts top-level graduate students from across the globe. Our academic environment is strongly supportive of innovative research and teaching, and all interviewed applicants will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in both of these essential roles.

The current research activities of the Department are supported by major infrastructure resources of characterization and analytical instrumentation, including extensive NMR capabilities in the Advanced Analysis Centre (AAC), the Electrochemical Technology Centre (ETC), the Departmental X-Ray Facility, and the High-Pressure Lab, as well as dedicated Electronic Shop and Machine Shop support.

The University of Guelph is the third largest employer in Guelph, a city of approximately 130,000 people, located about an hour drive west of Toronto, Ontario. University of Guelph is a top-ranked comprehensive university in Canada with an enrolment of over 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students across over 40 academic units. The University is known for its commitment to student learning, innovative research, and collaboration with world-class partners. It is a unique place, with transformative research and teaching and a distinctive campus culture. People who learn and work here are shaped and inspired by a shared purpose: To Improve Life. Reflecting that shared purpose in every experience connected to our university positions us to create positive change, here and around the world. Our University community shares a profound sense of social responsibility, a drive for international development, and an obligation to address global issues.

Application Process

Assessment of applications will begin on April 1, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should submit the following materials (preferably as a single PDF file): (1) a cover letter; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a five-page research proposal in NSERC Discovery Program format; (4) a one-page statement on how the applicant will implement the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) in their teaching, research, and scholarly work; (5) a one-page statement on the applicant’s teaching vision and philosophy; and (6) the names and contact information for three referees. Please arrange with your referees to send their letters of reference directly to the department using the same address indicated below. Applications should be sent to the attention of:

Kathryn E. Preuss
Department of Chemistry
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1


All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

The University recognizes that applicants may have had obligations outside of work that have negatively impacted their record of achievements (e.g., parental, elder care, and/or medical). You are not required to disclose these obligations in the hiring process. If you choose to do so, the University will ensure that these obligations do not negatively impact the assessment of your qualifications for the position.

The University of Guelph resides on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron people and the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit and we offer our respect to our Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Métis neighbours as we strive to strengthen our relationships with them.

At the University of Guelph, fostering a culture of inclusion  is an institutional imperative. The University invites and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in employment, who may contribute to further diversification of our Institution.

If you require a medical accommodation during the recruitment or selection process, please contact Occupational Health and Wellness at 519-824-4120 x52674.