Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Ryerson University: Protein Biochemistry

The Department of Chemistry and Biology in the Faculty of Science at Ryerson University invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in Protein Biochemistry at the Assistant Professor level. Candidates must have a PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or another related field and a strong record of postgraduate research productivity. This position is expected to synergize with and complement current faculty with an emphasis on the study of protein structure/function. The successful candidate will be a protein biochemist, who uses structural biology, structure-function analysis, enzymology, bioinformatics and/or systems biology in their research program. Candidates shall have a strong research profile (e.g., evidence of an emerging scholarly record, ability to establish and maintain an independent, externally funded research program), evidence of high-quality teaching, student training and curriculum development, and a capacity for collegial service. This position commences July 1, 2017, subject to final budgetary approval.

The Department of Chemistry and Biology is in a phase of dynamic growth, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition to Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry, Biomedical Science and Biology, the department offers masters and doctoral programs in both Molecular Science and Environmental Applied Science and Management. The successful candidate will be expected to support instruction in undergraduate and graduate courses in the biomedical sciences, biology and/or chemistry programs, as required. The Department of Chemistry and Biology welcomes applications from those who would contribute to the further diversification of our staff, our faculty and its scholarship. Candidates who will expand our capacity for diversity in the broadest sense are encouraged to apply. Aboriginal candidates interested in working at Ryerson University are welcome to contact Ms. Tracey King, M.Ed., Aboriginal HR Consultant, Aboriginal Recruitment and Retention Initiative, at t26king@ryerson.ca.

Interested candidates should prepare their application packages as a single PDF file, including cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching interests and teaching philosophy (1.5 pages), research proposal (up to 5 pages including figures and references), and up to three (3) recent publications. Research proposals should conform to the guidelines including prescribed section headings for the "free-form" portion of the NSERC Discovery Grants Program application - see http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/ResearchPortal-PortailDeRecherche/Instructions-Instructions/DG-SD_eng.asp under "Proposal" for details. Candidates should not submit any other part of the NSERC application aside from the free-form research proposal. Selected candidates may be requested to submit a budget at a later date. Please indicate in your application if you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
Applications should be sent to Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biology Departmental Hiring Committee by e-mail to cabchair@ryerson.ca with the subject line "CAB Protein Biochemistry Candidate". Candidates should arrange to have up to three (3) letter of reference sent to the same email address. Deadline for submission is 11:59 PM on Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Located in the heart of Toronto, one of the world's most culturally and linguistically diverse urban centres, Ryerson's high quality programs and scholarly, research and creative activities extend beyond the walls of the University. Ryerson University is on a transformative path to become Canada's leading comprehensive innovation university. The University's academic plan, Our Time to Lead, can be found at the following: http://www.ryerson.ca/provost/
Ryerson is deeply connected to the city and the world beyond, attracting talent, opportunities and global connections to the Greater Toronto Area. Programs and curriculum are not static; they are relevant to changing careers, professions and scholarly disciplines. Students, faculty and staff challenge the status quo with new solutions and new ways of thinking. Longstanding partnerships with community, industry, government, and professional practice drive research and innovation that responds to real-world problems.
Ryerson recognizes that creativity and innovation should not be contained. Its diverse learning community collaborates across disciplines and with external partners, taking smart, calculated risks to turn promising ideas into tangible solutions, products, processes or services that make a positive and meaningful impact upon society. Students are trusted to learn. In their programs and through experiential learning opportunities students solve complex problems, think critically and communicate clearly, gaining the confidence and knowledge to build careers, enter diverse professions or to launch their own ventures and create jobs.

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