Sunday, May 12, 2024

Ehsan Hamzehpoor hired by Université de Montréal

Ehsan grew up in Dehyadegar, a village in Sirjan, Iran. After finishing high school, he moved to Tehran where he studied for his bachelor’s degree in Pure Chemistry. He then fell head over heels for the city of Montreal and started a Ph.D. in material chemistry at McGill University (2017-2023) as an FRQNT scholar. Under the supervision of Professor Dmytro F. Perepichka he worked on functional π-conjugated materials and solid-state photophysics and defended his Ph.D. thesis titled “Crystal Engineering of Room Temperature Phosphorescence in Organic Solids”. In 2023, he moved to the University of British Columbia at Vancouver to begin his postdoctoral research as a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow and a
Killam Laureate, working on organic macromolecules and supramolecular chemistry using reversible covalent bonds in Prof. Mark J. MacLachlan's group.

In spring 2025, Ehsan will embark on a new chapter as an Assistant Professor in organic synthesis of materials within the Department of Chemistry at Université de Montréal.



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