Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Memorial University: X-Ray Crystallographer


Strategic Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI)
X-Ray Crystallography Facility / Materials Characterization Facility – CREAIT Network
(Three Year Contractual Position)


The CREAIT (Core Research Equipment and Instrument Training) Network maintains and operates thematic clusters of multi-user, scientific research instrumentation in a variety of scientific laboratories at Memorial University.The C-CART (Centre for Chemical Analysis, Research and Training) cluster provides research support, training and chemical analysis services to undergraduate and graduate students, university researchers, government agencies, and private sector R&D companies. Instruments housed within C-CART are grouped into four service areas that include: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, X-Ray Crystallography, Mass Spectrometry, and Materials Characterization.


Reporting to the Manager of Operations for the CREAIT Network, the successful applicant will perform professional and technical work in a research support capacity involving the day-to-day operation of the X-Ray Crystallography and Materials Characterization facilities. Duties include operation and management of Rigaku XRD and pXRD instrumentation; operation and management of a suite of materials characterization instrumentation including TGA, DSC, UV-Vis, and FT-NIR; structure solution and preparation of reports; maintaining instruments at optimal performance levels; troubleshooting / repair of instrumentation; training and oversight of students and other users in a multi-user research facility; reviewing submitted manuscripts and research proposals; advising and assisting in grant preparations to secure funds for purchases of new and replacement instrumentation; tracking instrument usage; and other related duties as required.


Experience (3-5 years) in X-Ray Crystallography facility maintenance, operation, and research are required. Completion of a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or other relevant discipline; or any equivalent combination of experience and training. Experience with operation and repair of Rigaku XRD and pXRD instrumentation and experience with materials characterization techniques and instrumentation are assets.

SALARY                  $69,055 - $89,514 per annum (Management and Professional)
CLOSING DATE      April 2, 2019

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Memorial University is strongly committed to employment equity and especially welcomes applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, members of sexual minorities and persons with disabilities.

The personal information requested in your application is collected under the authority of the Memorial University Act (RSNL 1990 c M-7) for the purpose of identifying and recruiting candidates; assessing applicant qualifications; and maintaining records pertaining to the administration of employment with Memorial University of Newfoundland.

If you are a successful candidate, this information will form part of your permanent employment record and will be used for other activities related to the employment process. This information may be disclosed to government departments and agencies as legally required; and to third party service providers, as necessary to administer programs and activities.

If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of the information on this form, please contact MyHR, Department of Human Resources, at (709) 864-2434.

Please be advised that we are unable to provide updates on current competitions.

We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

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