Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Cape Breton University: Organic Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry in the School of Science and Technology at Cape Breton University invites applications for a Tenure-Track position in Chemistry at the rank of Assistant Professor. This position will commence July 1, 2025 (or as soon as possible thereafter).

One of Canada’s youngest and most ambitious universities, CBU recognizes its location on Cape Breton Island as part of Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. CBU offers a comprehensive set of liberal arts, science, and professional programs and a unique commitment to community, economic development, aboriginal learning, and research into many aspects of environment and culture. Currently home to approximately 7500 students, CBU’s vision of higher education allows students to pursue diverse fields of study in programs with national reputations in final year student satisfaction, faculty-student interaction, and employability.

CBU delivers an authentic multicultural experience to all who become part of its academic community. Surrounded by pristine natural landscape, vibrant culture, and welcoming communities on Canada’s stunning east coast, CBU attracts students from more than 50 countries around the world. Our faculty bring passion to their teaching and research and we are known for our friendly and inclusive culture. Strong community involvement and a spirit of entrepreneurship enhance CBU’s position in post-secondary education.

The successful candidate will teach Organic and, in addition, General Chemistry and Biochemistry courses; the candidate will be expected to teach upper-level courses, supervise undergraduate honours theses, and participate in program development.

The Department of Chemistry has 12 full-time members with seven tenured faculty members whose research spans several fields and who strongly commit to undergraduate teaching and research.

The successful candidate will also conduct discipline-based research and undertake appropriate service activities within the university community. The capacity to develop an externally funded research program is also expected.

Candidates should have a relevant PhD in chemistry with a strong emphasis/specialization in organic chemistry. Candidates who are in the later stages of their PhD may be considered with the successful completion of the PhD being a condition of employment.

CBU teaches programs on campus, off campus in locations across and outside of Canada, and on-line. The university and its partners will therefore provide opportunities for faculty members to teach in different modes in different locations as part of their regular workload. While these opportunities may not be available equally for all faculty positions in all programs, a clear willingness to teach in different modes and locations will be noted as part of your application.

Applicants are expected to demonstrate potential and commitment with regard to teaching, research/creative/scholarly activities, and service to Cape Breton University, community and profession.

Applications for the successful candidate will include a:

  • cover letter describing the expertise of the applicant
  • statement of teaching philosophy
  • statement of research
  • statement of how they incorporate equity, diversity and inclusiveness in their work and services
  • complete CV including a list of publications
  • evidence of effective teaching
  • list of at least three references.
    • Short-listed candidates will be required to submit three reference letters.

Please upload all required documents to Additional Documents if no designated area is listedIncomplete applications will not be considered.

The union affiliation of this position is with the Cape Breton University Faculty Association.

Applications must be received by November 1, 2024

Cape Breton University is strongly committed to fostering diversity within our community. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our staff, our faculty and its scholarship including, but not limited to, women, visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply but applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Cape Breton University

Human Resources Dept.

1250 Grand Lake Road,

Sydney, NS B1M 1A2

Unama’ki espi-kina’matno’kuom etek Mi’kma’ki, wla na no’kamanaq aq maqamikewminu mena’qiknmuetuk.

Cape Breton University is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw People.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Brock University: NSERC Tier 1 Canada Research Chair - Applied Bioanalytical Chemistry

One of Canada’s leading comprehensive universities and a Top Employer in Hamilton-Niagara, and ranked #3 Canada’s Best Employers compiled by Forbes and Statista, Brock University is an inclusive, welcoming campus community that offers a wide range of unique career opportunities for those with passion, energy and expertise. We’re looking for team members who want to help us continue to deliver an exceptional student experience, perform impact-driven research and generate life-changing breakthroughs for our world. Ignite new possibilities for your career. Break through at Brock.

Brock University is located on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Agreement.

About Brock University

With a student population of more than 19,000, Brock is renowned for its exceptional campus experience and high level of student satisfaction. Brock offers 150 undergraduate and graduate degrees in six academic faculties and is home to world-class instructors and researchers making breakthroughs of all kinds each and every day. Founded in 1964 by the Niagara community, Brock remains a proud partner committed to improving the vitality of the region even as it extends its global reach.

Brock University recognizes that life circumstances such as illness, disability, family and community responsibilities (e.g., maternity leave, parental leave, leaves due to illness, leaves due to caring for family members, or slowdowns due to chronic illness or disability) are expected to have an impact on a candidate’s record of research achievement, and that these impacts will be taken into careful consideration during the assessment process. Where this is relevant, candidates are invited to share details they would like to have taken into consideration in their cover letter.

Our Geography

Brock is located on a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada. This unique region intersects Lakes Ontario and Erie and is home to nearly 500,000 residents. Brock is one of the region’s top employers, and is a significant contributor to the economic, intellectual and cultural fabric of the area. Niagara provides abundant recreation, cultural and lifestyle options and is just a short drive from the Greater Toronto Area and the United States border.

What We Offer

Brock University offers competitive salary and benefits and ample support for research and sabbaticals. Research resources include; conference support, start-up funding, subscriptions to major databases and access to various research funding vehicles. For candidates considering relocation, moving expenses will be administered according to the Brock University Faculty Association Collective Agreement.

About the Department of Chemistry

The selected candidate will join the Department of Chemistry. The Department currently consists of 12 research-active faculty and 7 research and teaching support staff. Many members of the Department are active researchers in the Centre for Biotechnology. Researchers have an excellent track record of securing research funding, mentorship, service, and publications. Chemistry is committed to fostering diversity within our community as a source of excellence, to cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. It is important to us that historically underrepresented students see role models in faculty positions.

The Department is home to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry suites, as well as smaller instrumentation. In addition, members of the Department also have access to the integrative suites of analytical equipment housed within the University’s newly established Validation, Prototyping, and Manufacturing Institute (VPMI). This includes two of three IM-QTOF-MS in Canada (only 19 world-wide) and a state-of-the-art microscopy facility.

For more information about the Chemistry Department, please see our website (

About the Position

The Department of Chemistry seeks applications from outstanding scientists for an NSERC Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Applied Bioanalytical Chemistry at the rank of Full Professor (or Associate Professor that expects to be promoted to Full Professor within 2 years of appointment), to commence no later than January 1, 2025. This position belongs to the Brock University Faculty Association (BUFA) employee group.

We are seeking candidates for a CRC Tier I Chair position in Applied Bio-analytical Chemistry. Ideal candidates will integrate chemical, biological, and biotechnological methodologies into their research programs, including molecular diagnostics, DNA technologies, or omics-based approaches. The research should ideally focus on clinical medicine or population health, and address critical issues such as food, health, and water security. This person would become a core member of the Analytical focus area in the Department of Chemistry. The Chair will also contribute to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses within the Department of Chemistry.

The Chair will join the Department in contributing to the training, mentorship, and well-being of Brock undergraduate and graduate students.


Applicants for faculty positions with the Department of Chemistry at Brock should have a PhD in Chemistry or related discipline. The candidate will be a recognized national and international leader in applied bioanalytical chemistry, bringing a body of coherent research and associated social impact to the Department of Chemistry and Brock University. Applicants should have an outstanding record of research achievement, demonstrated evidence of external research funding, a demonstrated commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching, and a strong commitment to undergraduate mentoring and graduate student training at the MSc and PhD levels.

About the CRC Program

The successful candidate is a national and/or international leader in their field eligible to hold a tenured appointment at the rank of Full Professor (or Associate Professor with the expectation of promotion to Full Professor within 2 years of appointment). The successful candidate will be supported to prepare a nomination for the Canada Research Chair (CRC) Program.

The CRC program recognizes outstanding scholars at all career stages and is a key mechanism for Canadian universities to attract and retain the best talent from around the world to achieve excellence in research and research training. CRCs advance the frontiers of knowledge in their fields through their scholarly research, teaching, and supervision.

Tier 1 Chairs are tenable for seven years and renewable once for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields. To meet the criteria of the program, individuals must demonstrate substantial accomplishments that have had major impact in their discipline at the international level. They also should have superior records of supervising graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and are expected to attract and retain future researchers.

Brock University is committed to providing the selected candidate with the support required to prepare a nomination for the Canada Research Chair (CRC) Program. Appointment as a Full Professor (or Associate Professor) is not contingent upon the outcome of the CRC nomination. Nominations for CRCs are subject to review and final approval through the CRC Program. Benefits associated with Chair appointments include teaching release and start-up research funds. A separate application may be made to the John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) for research infrastructure needs.

Please visit the Canada Foundation for Innovation website at!nav-crccercpartnership. Eligibility criteria and CRC program information can be found at the following website: For more information about Brock’s CRC program, please contact Tessa Mazachowsky (

To ensure accurate data regarding Brock’s CRC program, all applicants are requested to respond to the voluntary self-identification questions presented in the online application system. Please note this information will be securely accessed only by members of the search committee and for the fulfillment of this hiring initiative. Please visit to read the Brock University’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan.

Application Process and Timeline:


All documents must be submitted in electronic format (a single well-organized PDF document is preferred) via the online application system. (Note: file maximum of 5MB per attachment upload). If needed, supplemental application information beyond the 5 MB limit can be sent to Paul Zelisko (

1. A letter of interest (suggested 2-4 pages) outlining:

a. your qualifications for a successful Tier I Chair nomination funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada

b. alignment of your profile and expertise with this Chair position

c. definition that you hold for research excellence and impact.

2. A description of your program of research (suggested 3-5 pages), including:

a. your short-term and long-term vision for your future research program as a Tier I CRC at Brock;

b. novel opportunities for training scholars within a variety of research contexts

c. the potential for the Chair to enhance your scholarly leadership and innovation capacity within the Department, Faculty, and University in strategic areas.

3. An updated and complete curriculum vitae.

4. A statement discussing:

a. your mentorship philosophy

b. teaching philosophy

c. a list of undergraduate and graduate courses the candidate would be interested in teaching

d. strategies to support a diverse cross-section of students (suggested 2-4 pages).

5. A statement of strengths and experiences in supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion for their discipline through research, curriculum, advocacy, community outreach or engagement, and student support (suggested 2 pages).

6. The names and contact information of three referees who could provide confidential letters of assessment that speak to the candidates’ suitability to hold a faculty position and Tier I CRC at Brock University. Letters will not be requested unless an applicant is short listed.

The closing date for applications is August 21, 2024 at 12:01 am. The final business day to apply is August 20, 2024. Inquiries should be directed to Paul Zelisko, Chair – Department of Chemistry,

This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

Applications should be submitted electronically through the Brock Careers website at the following link:

It is expected that this search will lead to a CRC nomination by April 2025, for which a decision from the CRC Program is anticipated in October 2025.

Inquiries should be directed to Paul Zelisko, Chair of the Search Committee 905-688-5550 ext. 4389,

Our Commitment

Brock University is actively committed to diversity and the principles of employment equity and invites applications from all qualified candidates. Women, Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) peoples, Black people, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities/racialized groups, and Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and additional sexually and gender diverse (2SLGBTQI+) persons are encouraged to apply and to voluntarily self-identify as a member of a designated group as part of their application. Candidates who wish to be considered as a member of one or more designated groups should fill out the Self-Identification Form and include the completed form with their application.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

We will accommodate the needs of the applicants and the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) throughout all stages of the selection process, as outlined in the Employee Accommodation Policy Please advise: to ensure your accessibility needs are accommodated through this process. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.

We appreciate all applications received; however, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Université de Sherbrooke: Professeure régulière ou professeur régulier en chimie.


Informations générales

L'Université de Sherbrooke sollicite des candidatures afin de pourvoir à un poste de professeure régulière ou professeur régulier en chimie. Il s'agit d'un poste régulier à temps complet rattaché au Département de chimie de la Faculté des sciences.


À propos du Département

Le Département de chimie de l’Université de Sherbrooke offre un environnement exceptionnel pour la recherche et l'enseignement, accueillant plus de 250 étudiantes et étudiants aux trois cycles, un corps professoral de renommée internationale et une vaste gamme d'infrastructures à la fine pointe de la technologie. Les professeures et professeurs du Département de chimie sont titulaires de prix internationaux, de chaires, de bourses et de subventions qui témoignent de la qualité de leurs recherches en chimie inorganique et des matériaux, en électrochimie, en photonique, en physico-chimie, en synthèse organique, organométallique et inorganique, en chimie analytique et environnementale, archéométrie et en bio-géochimie.

La nouvelle professeure ou le nouveau professeur bénéficiera d'un environnement de recherche dynamique incluant :

  • des locaux modernes récemment rénovés;

  • des plateformes ouvertes et de l'accès aux infrastructures de pointe, opérés par six professionnels du Département de chimie, regroupées au sein de la Plateforme d'analyse chimique de l'Université de Sherbrooke (PANACUS) qui héberge une large gamme d'instruments d'analyse structurale (cristallographie et résonance magnétique nucléaire), mécanique, thermique et chromatographique, de spectrométrie de masse, et une plateforme d'analyse spectroscopique et photonique;

  • plusieurs centres d'excellence, instituts, et réseaux stratégiques, en particulier le Centre d'étude des matériaux et procédés verts de l'Université de Sherbrooke (CEMAPROVUS), l'Institut quantique (IQ), l'Institut de pharmacologie (IPS) et l'Institut interdisciplinaire d'innovation technologique (3IT), le Centre québécois sur les matériaux fonctionnels (CQMF) et le Centre en chimie verte et catalyse (CCVC).


  • Enseigner aux trois cycles d'études.

  • Développer des activités de recherche fondamentale et appliquée.

  • Encadrer des étudiantes et étudiants aux études supérieures.

  • Participer à la vie universitaire.

  • Contribuer au service à la collectivité.


  • Détenir un doctorat en chimie pour des recherches effectuées dans le domaine de l'ingénierie cristalline, des cocristaux pharmaceutiques, de la chimie computationnelle des matériaux, de la physico-chimie des solides moléculaires ou de la physico-chimie des interactions non-covalentes. Des candidatures exceptionnelles de personnes détenant un PhD dans les domaines de la physico-chimie, de la chimie des matériaux ou de la synthèse organique seront aussi considérées.

  • Posséder une expérience postdoctorale ou une expérience professionnelle pertinente dans les domaines de l'ingénierie cristalline, des cocristaux pharmaceutiques, de la chimie computationnelle des matériaux, de la physico-chimie des solides moléculaires ou de la physico-chimie des interactions non-covalentes. Des candidatures exceptionnelles de personnes détenant une expérience professionnelle ou postdoctorale dans les domaines de la physico-chimie, de la chimie des matériaux ou de la synthèse organique seront aussi considérées.

  • Posséder des aptitudes exceptionnelles pour la recherche afin de développer un programme de recherche original, indépendant, financé par des sources externes et reconnu internationalement.

  • Posséder d'excellentes aptitudes pour l'enseignement et démontrer un intérêt pour la pédagogie universitaire.

  • Avoir un dossier de publications dans des revues à comité de lecture de niveau international, attestant de l'excellence du dossier de recherche.

  • Démontrer des qualités de leadership, d'initiative et d'excellentes capacités à communiquer et à interagir efficacement et harmonieusement avec divers partenaires internes et externes.

  • Être en mesure de se conformer aux exigences liées à la conduite responsable en recherche.

  • Avoir la capacité d'enseigner en français ou d'atteindre cet objectif dans un délai raisonnable.

Conditions de travail

Les conditions de travail sont régies par la convention collective en vigueur.

Poste régulier à temps complet.

Date prévue d'entrée en fonction : 1er juin 2025.


La date limite pour soumettre sa candidature est le MARDI 1ER OCTOBRE 2024, À 17 h.

L'examen des candidatures débutera le 2 octobre et se poursuivra jusqu'à ce que le poste soit pourvu.

Nous vous invitons à soumettre votre candidature par voie électronique en cliquant sur le bouton « Postuler ».

Veuillez joindre :

1. Votre curriculum vitae;

2. Une lettre de motivation;

3. Un document de deux pages au maximum décrivant votre intérêt pour l'enseignement ainsi que les méthodes pédagogiques que vous préconisez.

4. Une proposition détaillée du programme de recherche envisagé de 5 pages au maximum (excluant les références) et une description des besoins en infrastructures nécessaires pour la réalisation du programme de recherche. La proposition devra inclure les objectifs à long et court termes, une revue de l'état de l'art et une description claire et détaillée de la méthodologie employée.

5. Un document d'une page au maximum décrivant les activités antérieures ou les projets futurs visant à accroître la diversité et/ou le mentorat des groupes sous-représentés ainsi que la manière dont vous désirez contribuer à la vie universitaire.

De plus, veuillez faire parvenir 3 lettres de recommandation, en provenance directement des signataires, aux coordonnées ci-dessous :

Monsieur le Doyen
Faculté des sciences
Offre d'emploi no 07129
Université de Sherbrooke
2500, boulevard de l'Université
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1
Courriel :

University of Calgary : Assistant Professor (Chemistry for a Sustainable Sulfur Future)

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta.

The City of Calgary is also home to Métis Nation of Alberta, Districts 5 and 6.


The Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary is inviting applications for a full-time, position in the Department of Chemistry, specializing in Chemistry for a Sustainable Sulfur Future. The successful candidate will be appointed as an Assistant Professor (Tenure-track) in the Department of Chemistry and will have the opportunity to closely collaborate with Alberta Sulphur Research Lab Ltd (ASRL). This position has an anticipated start date of July 1, 2025 or earlier.

Successful candidates must hold a Ph.D. in chemistry, physics or related area; be an excellent emerging researcher in chemistry related to sulfur involving membrane chemistry, biofuel processing, corrosion, polymers, sour gas phase behavior, heterogeneous catalysis, formulation chemistry, carbon capture, sulfuric acid recycling, metals extraction, geochemistry or surface science; have a proven record of research excellence commensurate with the applicant's stage of career development, and a demonstrated record or potential to establish an outstanding, externally funded research program are required. Interdisciplinarity and experience with industrial partners will be an asset.

Appointment at the Assistant Professor rank requires a strong publication record demonstrating excellence in chemistry related to sulfur AND/OR a strong record in alternative, non-traditional outputs such as (but not limited to): community outreach (popular press, interviews, public or online seminars, etc.), resource development (online databases, protocols, etc.), and scientific service related to sulfur. Candidates should also demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and learning and the use of contemporary approaches to teaching. Candidates must showcase a clear dedication to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion as it pertains to service, teaching, and scholarly, research or creative activities.

The applicant must be able to work effectively with people from diverse communities and cultures at the University of Calgary and interfacing with ASRL industry member companies.

The University of Calgary adheres to the principles of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and strives to evaluate research impact responsibly and inclusively by explicitly considering discipline-appropriate methods for demonstrating the quality, significance, and societal impact of a broad range of research contributions. 

Application Deadline: August 30, 2024
Please apply online via the 'Apply Now' link on the UCalgary careers website:

A complete application should be submitted in a single pdf, and include the following:

  • Cover letter (1-2 pages)
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Research Plan that includes a vision for a "Sustainable Sulfur Future" (1-3 pages)
  • Statement describing teaching philosophy outlining contemporary approach to teaching (1-2 pages)
  • Statement describing the candidate's contributions, or potential contributions to, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) along with their ability to work with a culturally diverse and international student, staff, and faculty body (up to 1 page)
  • Names and contact information of three references

Questions and applications can be addressed to:
The Head of the Chemistry Department, Email:

The University of Calgary has launched an institution-wide Indigenous Strategy committing to creating a rich, vibrant, and culturally competent campus that welcomes and supports Indigenous Peoples, encourages Indigenous community partnerships, is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives in all that we do.

As an equitable and inclusive employer, the University of Calgary recognizes that a diverse staff/faculty benefits and enriches the work, learning and research experiences of the entire campus and greater community. We are committed to removing barriers that have been historically encountered by some people in our society. We strive to recruit individuals who will further enhance our diversity and will support their academic and professional success while they are here. In particular, we encourage members of the designated groups (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible/racialized minorities, and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) to apply. To ensure a fair and equitable assessment, we offer accommodation at any stage during the recruitment process to applicants with disabilities. Questions regarding [diversity] EDI at UCalgary can be sent to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion ( and requests for accommodations can be sent to Human Resources (

The University of Calgary recognizes that candidates have varying career paths and that career interruptions can be part of an excellent academic record. Candidates are encouraged but not required to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions to allow for a fair assessment of their application. Selection committees have been instructed to give careful consideration to, and be sensitive to the impact of career interruptions, when assessing the candidate's research productivity.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. In this connection, at the time of your application, please answer the following question: Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? (Yes/No)

For a listing of all academic opportunities at the University of Calgary, view our Academic Careers website. For more information about the Faculty of Science, click here.

About the University of Calgary

UCalgary is Canada's entrepreneurial university, located in Canada's most enterprising city. It is a top research university and one of the highest-ranked universities of its age. Founded in 1966, its 36,000 students experience an innovative learning environment, made rich by research, hands-on experiences and entrepreneurial thinking. It is Canada's leader in the creation of start-upsStart something today at the University of Calgary. For more information, visit

About Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd.

Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd. has been a focal point for connecting campus to dozens of local critical industries and an international organization with massive impact. During ASRL's tenure, industry has succeeded in reducing emissions leading to acid rain by over 80% while increasing the production of the world¿s most traded mineral/nutrient proportionally with the rise in world population.

About Calgary, Alberta

Calgary is one of the world's cleanest cities and has been named one of the world's most livable cities for years. Calgary is a city of leaders - in business, community, philanthropy and volunteerism. Calgarians benefit from a growing number of world-class dining and cultural events and enjoy more days of sunshine per year than any other major Canadian city. Calgary is less than an hour's drive from the majestic Rocky Mountains and boasts the most extensive urban pathway and bikeway network in North America.